
The 50,000 foot view


Map of Geocoded Towns

This is a Leaflet map of the towns that have been successfully geocoded in our dataset. In this map, you can see locations, administrative units, full descriptions from the text, and links to both the source material on Hathi Trust and the GeoNames page for the modern equivalent town.

Trade goods

We made two bar charts to display trade goods, one for descriptions of general kinds of goods extracted from our text, and another for specific named items being traded. In both cases the item descriptions come directly from the text. They’re meant to show you what goods were being traded in what areas, as well as how many towns in those areas traded in those goods.

Market Town Fair Dates

A map showing fairs occurring across the Russian Empire in 1788. This map also distinguishes between Paschal, or Easter-based, holidays, which can move around the year based on Easter, and ordinary holidays which occur on the same date every year. It’s intended to give a sense of the spatial and temporal patterns of trade in late 18th century Russia.

If you make one, let us know!

If you make a visualization using our dataset, we’d love to hear about it! If you send a link to, we’ll post it on this page!